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- A pleasant surprise: Web site has been referred 意外的驚喜 網站被介紹
About 2 months ago,I started to notice a significant increase in the number of viewers on Tea Pairing site,and even started to have unexpected guest comments。 I soon learned that a UDN writer stumbled upon this website and then wrote an article about my web in her blog,then her loyal followers began to come out of curiosity,which was really interesting ! To concentrate on the foreign university application processes,in addition to required documents and materials,there are numbers of entry examinations and also SAT test need to be took。Hence it has been difficult to spend time on renewing website recently,I feel a little pity for this,but I will be happy to come back and continue to update when the choice of school is finally confirmed near end of year。 The Red Coat writing skill is stylish,She is among the most popular writers in UDN ( well known WEB in TW ) 。 A versatile Blogger;She is quite lively in private and traveling everywhere to take pictures then keen to share new discoveries。 I am very grateful to this young sister for her enthusiastic introduction and affirmation。 I am happy to accept her friendship,also lots thanks to her lovely fans who came to visit then dropped by “Say Hello”。 Red Coat Article source: The blog of a seventeen-year-old boy 大約在2個月前,我開始發現 Tea Pairing site 瀏覽數有明顯的增加,甚至開始有意外的訪客留言 。 經了解,原來有位 UDN 的作家在無意中發現了這個網站,然後在她 Blog 中寫文章介紹, 因此開始有她的網友因好奇而前來,真是好有趣 ! 為了專心大學的申請,除了要準備文件材料,應付 HK 本地大小的會考以外,還有 SAT 的應考, 所以近幾個月很難有時間花在網站 。 對此,我感覺有些抱歉,不過,在接近年底,等學校的選擇確定後, 我一定會開心回來繼續更新 。 紅袂文筆很棒,她在 UDN 很受歡迎,是多才多藝的 Blogger, 私底下很活潑到處旅行拍照,分享不同的新發現 。 我很感謝這位姊姊的熱心介紹和肯定, 我開心接下這份鼓勵,也謝謝前來訪問 Say Hello 的可愛網友, 我會努力的 ! 紅袂 文章出處 : 一個十七歲大男孩的部落格
- Raclette 超狂起司馬鈴薯 + 台灣凍頂烏龍
When my friends and I visited London, we visited the Borough Market to experience the authentic street food - Racelete. This is a dish made up of a thick layer of Raclette cheese scraped onto a large potato, and sliced into cubes. We smelled the strong aroma of cheese and were drawn to the shop. Pickled cucumbers are usually served on the plate to relieve greasiness and while we ate, my friends said they felt bloated while drinking coke with the meal. I was drinking ice water and I thought maybe the dish could be paired with Chinese tea. We also tried another store called "King's Cheese" in Hong Kong, it served this dish that was composed of Swiss cheese puree, paired with minced beef, corn, and coriander. The taste was not as primitive and delicious as in Europe, especially compared to the Racelete dish from Borough Market. At home, we also try to replicate the Racelete dish ourselves. First, we tried pairing it with black tea but the rich black tea overwhelmed the flavor of rich cheese. We then tried to add Taiwan's Dongding Oolong Tea (凍頂烏龍) and not only did it succeed in relieving some of the greasiness, but the fresh aroma of the medium roasted oolong tea enhanced the flavors of the tea. 來到英國倫敦,我們一定要去Borough Market吃上道地的Street food— Raclette. 基本上就是把一大片的起司炙烤後,刮下厚厚的一層(Raclette cheese),放在馬鈴薯切塊上。我們聞到,看到香味濃厚的流動起司,興奮地不知怎麼才好。 盤中一般都配上酸黃瓜來解膩。我其他朋友一邊喝可口可樂,肚子鼓鼓脹脹的。我還是冰水,心中想,也許可以配中國茶? 我們在香港也吃過另一家『國王起司』,除了瑞士起司泥,還加上牛肉碎,玉米,香菜等。但總不及在歐洲的滋味原始好吃,尤其是Borough Market的Raclette. 在家中我們也嘗試去做「超狂起司馬鈴薯』,先試著配紅茶,濃郁的紅茶對上起司,總有些喧賓奪主的味道,還是加上台灣的凍頂烏龍茶,不但解油膩,而且中等烘培的烏龍茶有著原始的個性和清新芳香,讓起司的滋味更有層次。
- Treasure Aged Teas 阿嬤的茶 : 陳年茶
Every time I visit Taiwan to see my grandmother, she will cook my favorite soy sauce marinated eggs, or roasted lamb chops for me. She says that she is too old to eat such greasy food, so she will take out her treasured aged teas, which include Oolong, Iron Buddha, and her most precious Narcissus tea. She would nibble at a bit of the meat, and most of the time, she would just sip her tea from a porcelain cup, while chatting with me about my school and recent events in my life. She used to say that her aged teas were older than I was by many years. Sometimes I would take a sip, telling her that I found it quite bitter. She said that if I allowed the strong taste to linger in my mouth for some time, I would find the aftertaste sweet, that it would have an appetizing effect that it would make greasy food less filling. These aged teas are full of memories, even though they were too bitter for me. Shortly after my grandma passed away, I wrote a letter to her to thank her for her soy sauce-marinated eggs and her words of encouragement. I think I will try those aged teas again someday, and maybe one day I can learn to appreciate them. 每次我回去台灣看阿嬤時,她都會煮我愛吃的滷蛋或烤羊排給我吃,她說自己年紀大了,不習慣吃的這麼油膩,這時就會看到她將珍藏的許多『陳年茶』拿出來細細品味,有些茶種是烏龍,鐵觀音,甚至她口中珍貴無比『老欉水仙』,她小口小口的吃肉,大部分的時候慢慢用瓷杯泡茶,喝茶,陪我聊學校和生活中的事。 她說這些陳年茶都比我年紀大好幾十歲,我有時好奇拿來嘗一口,說很苦。她說不會,滋味渾厚,苦後回甘,比較開胃,解油膩。這些『阿嬤的茶』對我充滿回憶,但是我不能說我喜歡。現在阿嬤過世了,我寫了一封祝福的信給她,有一天我會再嘗試這些『陳年茶』的,也許我終究會愛上也不一定。
- Sushi and Dayuling 高山茶 山與海之戀
澎湃壽司大餐和帝王蟹 enormous sushi plate and king crab When we have important guests at home, we sometimes have a sushi dinner with a giant king crab or even a whole box of sea urchins. We line up a whole table of delicious fish and feast on it, which must be paired with the best tea. For us, high mountain tea from our hometown Taiwan is the best choice. Allowing Dayuling's high mountain tea to make its "grand appearance". It is said that this is the high mountain tea produced in Taiwan that is closest to the sky with the highest latitude. And because of the rolling soil, richness, and multiple layers of flavor, it breeds an original taste that reminds one of nature. Dayuling tea has become rare, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the genuine ones from the fake ones. Therefore, when we eat sushi, we also pair it with the Dong Ding Oolong Tea (凍頂烏龍茶)from Shanlinxi(衫林溪) or the high mountain tea from Qilai Mountain(奇萊山). It comes from mist-shrouded mountains with higher altitudes and rich soil content. Sometimes when our family goes out to eat "Yu Sang", we also bring Taiwanese high mountain tea. If the restaurant is willing, we can ask them to brew it for us, or even brew it ourselves at home and bring it in a thermos bottle. If the extremely fresh and high-quality seafood is not paired with the finest of tea, it would be a pity. Taiwan's high mountain tea or lightly fermented oolong tea further brings out the delicious taste of seafood, allowing the graceful marriage between the highest of peaks and the ocean waves. 家裏有重要賓客,有時會來一頓壽司大餐加上巨大帝王蟹,甚至一整盒的海膽。 我們排滿一整桌的鮮美魚生,大快朵頤,這時一定要配上最好的茶。 對我們而言,來自故鄉台灣的高山茶,就是最好的選擇。大禹嶺的高山茶此時就『隆重出場』了,據說這是台灣產地最接近天空,緯度最高的高山茶,又因為土質滾動,豐饒多層次,孕育出其最接近大自然原始風味,冷冽,獨樹一格的高山滋味。 近年來大禹嶺茶已經買少見少,有時買到的也真假難分,所以我們吃壽司時,也配上衫林溪的凍頂烏龍,或是奇萊山的高山茶來,皆來自海拔較高,土壤富饒,雲霧裊繞的高山。 有時我們全家外出吃『魚生』,也會自帶台灣的高山茶,如果餐廳願意,請他們幫我們泡,甚至自家泡好,用保溫杯帶去,請商家給咖啡杯。因為極鮮極美的海產,如果沒有配上最好的茶,那就可惜了。 台灣的高山茶或輕發酵烏龍茶將海鮮的美味進一步引導出來,讓『山之巔,水之涯』 完美相遇。
- Story about Tea Pairing by Teen(緣起)
I was born in Discovery Bay, an outlying island in Hong Kong. Our island is covered with forestry with a ferry that runs every half an hour to take us to the mainland. The South Plaza is where the villagers gather and it has everything one could need, including delicious restaurants, shops, a post office, and a small clinic. Discovery Bay has a deep connection with the environment and Island residents can even rent a field and cultivate their vegetables. There are no private cars on the island so you could only walk, ride a bicycle, or take the community bus to get around. You can take a 25-minute boat ride from the island pier to Central, Hong Kong, which is the busiest downtown where my parents commute to work by boat every day. Hong Kong is an international financial center with a capital market that operates with overwhelming efficiency, but it often feels like another world compared to the place where I grew up. All my life, I went to the same school and spent my afternoons playing on the local beach and even though people often migrated back to their home countries, I was lucky enough to grow up with the same group of friends. My parents deliberately chose such a country life for my sister and I so we could have a peaceful and simple childhood. Ensuring we formed connections with our homeland, nature, and the people around us. There is rarely any traffic or flashing lights, as the island is mainly built for family life, so for dinner and weekends, we try to eat as well as we can. Our family kitchen is busy all the time and to preserve our health, carbonated drinks have never been stored in our freezer. I almost only drank water and milk as I grew up, compared to my friends who often indulged in such drinks on our frequent outings, I found myself finding carbonated drinks unpleasant. As I was preparing for my last few years of high school, I noticed many students needed coffee to stay awake while studying. Many foreigners on the island liked to gather in bars to drink and watch football games and a lot of my classmates were also eager to try alcohol when given the chance. After I was 13-14 years old, our family often went out on the island to taste Hong Kong food on weekends. After all, we are in Hong Kong, a dynamic city of food from rich and diverse cultures, and a gathering place of international food. Whenever we eat out, each person is always given a cup of watery squid or green tea in sit-down Chinese restaurants. I often drank cheap, Hong Kong-style, Pu'er tea, and after-dinner, Kung Fu tea in Chaozhou restaurants, which often made my mother shake her head in disapproval. My mother used to go off saying: "Adrian, these are just substitutes for water, used to relieve boredom or alleviate the monotony of routine. This isn't real good tea." I just shrugged considering I knew very little about tea at the time. Later, when she tasted various delicacies, she deliberately brought out various good teas she had collected for a long time to match them. Gradually, I began to integrate tea into my daily life. I eat almost all my meals with tea now, I eat snacks with black tea, make tea when I wake up, and look for tea when I feel irritable. One day in Taiwan, my mother’s friend Tea Parker Chi Zongxian (池宗憲先生)had lunch with us. He has been studying the field of "tea" for decades and he is a very respectable tea sommelier, expert, and mentor. During the meal, he taught me a lesson in tea pairing. I remember that Teacher Chi brought Mei Zhan tea from Wuyi Mountain that day. He asked the store to make tea for us. We had three cold dishes before the meal: smoked fish, rolls, and drunken chicken, which were paired with the fragrant fruity sweetness and slightly sour plum flavor of the tea, making the original taste of food more vivid and interesting. The Mei Zhan tea has a mellow aftertaste which paired nicely with the present dishes. This made me realize the connection between "good tea" and delicious food. Teacher Chi has been patiently guiding my sense of taste and smell, asking me to concentrate and experience every taste carefully. I shared my growth experience with Teacher Chi. I think "good tea" is worth introducing to today's young people and encouraging it to become another "good choice". After we go to college, we don't necessarily have to dive into alcohol or depend on coffee to keep up our energy levels. world. Tea can keep our sense of taste sensitive and make people feel calm and rejuvenated. The production, transportation, and recycling process of tea is far more environmentally friendly than red wine and beer, and drinking-related car accidents will also be reduced if more people substitute alcohol with tea. Teacher Chi suggested that I share my experiences of Tea Pairing at home with a personal blog and so Tea Pairing by Teen was born. 我出生於香港的一個離島Discovery Bay,樹林覆蓋著我們的島,出島靠每半小時一班的渡輪,這無所謂,村民聚集的廣場上應有盡有,好吃的餐廳,商店,郵局和一個小診所。 島上沒有私家車,走出家門就僅能走路,騎腳踏車或坐社區Bus,島上居民甚至可以租一塊田地,自己耕作蔬菜。 從島上碼頭坐25分鐘的船可以到達香港中環,這是最繁華的市中心,爸爸媽媽日日坐船通勤的上班地點。 香港是個資本市場運作到極致的國際金融中心,但我少年起對那「另一個世界」是很陌生的,我從小念同一所學校,在海灘上玩耍一下午。一直到現在17歲高三,和同一群朋友一起長大,感情很好。 等我逐漸成長才明白父母親的苦心,他們刻意選擇這樣的鄉居生活,讓我和姊姊擁有一個寧靜純樸的童年。盡量與土地和大自然靠近,與朋友們互相來往和關心。沒有聲光,島上主要是家庭生活,所以晚餐和週末,餐餐都研究要如何「吃得好」!我們家是日日開伙的。 為了保存我們的『味覺靈敏』,幼年家中沒有見過碳酸飲料,養樂多,真假果汁也都沒有,我幾乎是只喝水和牛奶長大的,相對於我的朋友們拿可樂當自來水,我覺得刺激性飲品,一點也不好喝。之後,許多同學讀書時需靠咖啡提神,島上有許多外國人,他們喜歡聚集在酒Bar喝酒看球賽,孩子們對上大學獨立後的酒精人生也躍躍欲試。 我13-14歲後,週末我們全家就常出島遍嘗香港美食了,畢竟我們身處香港這個美食的動感之都,富裕和多元,是國際美食的匯集地。 每當外出用餐時,喔,尤其是中餐,坐下來餐廳總送上每人一杯淡如水的香片或綠茶,港式飲茶時的廉價普洱,潮州餐廳的飯後功夫茶,常常讓母親搖頭。 母親鄭重地說:「Adrian, 這些都只是水的代替品,用來解膩,或例行的噱頭….你記得,這些都不是真正的好茶」。 對於母親心中,味蕾中堅持的『好中國茶』我知之甚少,後來她刻意在品嚐各種美食時,拿出收集已久的各式各樣的好茶來相配,逐漸的,『茶』成為我的第一個『成人飲料』,美食當前品茶,下午茶聊天時光,吃點心配紅茶,一覺醒來泡茶,心情煩躁時尋茶。 有一日在台灣,母親的好友Tea Parker 池宗憲老師與我們共進午餐,他研究『茶』領域已經數十年了,是很令人尊敬的侍茶師,專家和導師,當日他在美好的午餐氣氛中為我上了品茶的美好一課。 記得當日池老師帶來的是武夷山的梅占茶,他請店家為我們煮茶,餐前的三份尋常冷盤:燻魚,小卷和醉雞,搭配馥郁果甜,微微梅子酸的茶香,讓食物的原始味道更生動,已經讓人驚豔。後來的輕炸筍殼魚塊,干貝絲炒飯,伴隨著滑順甘潤的梅占茶,在口中產生微妙的變化,引出食物本身的滋味更鮮甜可喜。 梅占茶的餘韻香醇,當場讓我體會到「好茶」與美食碰撞時的奧妙。池老師一直耐心地詢問和引導我的味覺和嗅覺,要我專心,細心去體驗每個滋味。我和池老師分享自己的成長經歷,我覺得「好茶」很值得介紹給時下年輕人,鼓勵成為另一個「美好的選擇」,我們上大學後,不一定要一頭栽進酒精或咖啡的世界。 茶能讓我們保有靈敏的味覺,讓人感覺健康和平靜,茶的製作,運送和回收過程遠比紅酒,啤酒環保,少喝酒可以節省大筆金錢,而且減少交通事故或犯罪率。 推廣「好茶」配「好食」是一件環保愛地球的好觀念。 池老師建議我將在家中和外出時Tea Pairing 的美好經驗分享在這個Blog 。 Tea Pairing by Teen 於是誕生了。
- LongJiing “mingqian”tea 秀麗的西湖姑娘 - 杭州龍井 『明前茶』
In April, my mother went to Hangzhou to buy fresh 2024 Longjing tea, and she was very excited. After returning home, she brewed Longjing tea in a glass and said to me, "Look, all my tea is dancing." She said that the best Longjing tea must be harvested before the Qingming Festival (April 3rd), presenting one bud and two leaves, known as "Mingqian tea", which is very precious. Next is the tea harvested before Gusu (Grain Rain), known as "Yuqian tea". With just a two to three weeks difference, the green leaves can change from tender green to dark green, and even a few wither to brown. I really have to admire the Chinese people's ancient wisdom and respect for nature when it comes to making tea. This time in Hangzhou, she ate "steamed anchovies" with tender but prickly meat. Chinese people use oil, vinegar, and green onions to awaken the freshness and sweetness of the fish. She said it was a delicacy in the world. After returning to Hong Kong, we made a simple version at home. The fish with rice is really delicious when paired with Longjing tea with the delicate fragrance of seaweed. 四月母親特別去杭州買2024年的龍井茶,她非常興奮,回家後她用玻璃杯泡龍井,對我說,你看:我的茶葉都在跳舞。 她說,最好的龍井茶都必須在清明節(四月三日)前採收的,呈現一芽二葉,稱為『明前茶』,非常珍貴,次之是『穀雨』前採收的,稱為『雨前茶』,就這兩三星期的不同,綠葉可以從嫩綠轉換為墨綠,甚至少數枯萎為棕黃,不得不佩服中國人對大自然「節氣」的古老智慧和尊重。 這次在杭州她吃了肉質鮮嫩但多刺的「清蒸鰣魚』,中國人用油,醋,青蔥喚醒魚的鮮甜,她說是人間美味,回到香港後,我們在家做了簡單的魚生飯,配上具淡雅海苔清香的龍井茶吃,真是美味極了。
- Craving for Italy 義大利麵食
Most of the residents of Discovery Bay are expats, and there is a wide diversity of European and Asian restaurants that cater to them. One of our favorites is an Italian restaurant, which also sells a selection of Italian groceries and food ingredients. Since I don't drink carbonated beverages or coffee, and we are frequent customers, the staff allows us to bring our own drinks to enjoy with their pasta, risotto, and pizzas. I like the traditional pizza with mozzarella cheese and the bolognese linguine, all of them based on their freshly made tomato paste, imported from Italy. The chef tells us that the paste is so flavorful because of the rich and fertile soil in which it was grown. In addition to its thick tomato taste, It has layers of sourness and sweetness, which when enhanced by parsley relish and used to cook chewy pasta or pizza, makes the dish out of this world. My mother likes their organic brown rice with wild mushrooms. Add some black truffle, and she never gets tired of eating it. Pairing Italian dishes with Chinese tea creates a contrast between the strongly flavored dish and the light refreshing tea. We tried the Taiwanese Iron Buddha tea (鐵觀音), with its complex fruity, almost caramel taste, and the medium-roasted Dongding Oolong tea and both went well with the "tomatoey" tang. Of course, Mom and dad never miss out on that cup of strong Expresso after an Italian meal. 住在離島的大多是外國人,島上有一個道地的義大利餐廳,他們也賣很多義大利食品雜貨,我們全家人都熱愛他們的餐點,幾乎每星期報到一次。 因為我不喝碳酸飲料或咖啡,跟店家熟了,他們也讓我們「自備飲品」,店家提供咖啡杯讓我們享受 pasta risotto 和pizza 配中國茶的樂趣。 我喜歡傳統的 Mozzarella Pizza ,Bolognese Linguine ,甚至淨蕃茄麵,義大利的各種新鮮番茄或製成的醬,味濃郁帶酸甜,感覺的到來自土地的原始熱情和香氣,麵食或披薩餅味香有嚼勁,加上幾片parsley 提味,已經是人間美食。 媽媽喜歡白醬野菌棕米 Organic Brown Rice with Wild Mushroom. 上頭加入一些黑松露 Black Truffle,她總是百吃不厭。 青茶配這些義大利主食清淡如水,而台灣充滿多層次果香,焦糖味的鐵觀音,或是中度烘培的凍頂烏龍,中西合併,相得益彰。 當然,飯後那杯義式 Expresso,爸爸媽媽一定不能少。
- Summer Soba + Qimen Black Tea. 夏日蕎麥 + 祁門紅茶
As the weather gets hotter, I easily get into a low-energy state after studying. My mother prepared some Japanese chilled Soba, eaten with king crab from Hokkaido and a few pieces of seaweed. My mother took out her Qimen black tea (from Anhui Province) which she bought when she visited Huangshan Mountain in China. The Qimen tea, which is rich in flowery and fruity flavors, brings out the natural aroma of organic buckwheat in the soba, and when served with sweet fresh crab sticks and seaweed, makes for the perfect summer dish. 天氣漸熱,讀書煩躁,媽媽為我準備日本蕎麥涼麵。配菜是北海道的松葉蟹和幾片海苔。 媽媽拿出上回去中國黃山時購買的祁門茶(安徽),包含濃郁花果味的祁門茶(Qimen Black) ,讓有機蕎麥的自然美味散發無遺,配上清甜的新鮮蟹肉棒和海苔,是夏日的絕妙好食。
- Steak with Wuyi Mountain Tea 牛排+武夷茶
Whenever we have a special family event worth celebrating, our first thought is to go to a steakhouse. We have probably tried out all of the best steakhouses, BBQs, and teppanyaki restaurants in Hong Kong already. Later, however, I gradually appreciated that with the right ingredients, a home-cooked steak was just as tasty and more economical. We usually choose Australian wagyu or American sirloin that is not too lean. First, we marinate it in salt and pepper for half an hour, then fry it on a cast iron plate until medium or medium rare. Quality red meat, steak, or lamb, if paired with Wuyi Mountain tea, such as Dahongpao, will become more tender and delicious. We once visited Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province in China. Although the altitude is low, there are endless peaks, valleys, waterfalls, rock walls, and caves. The hills and rivers are intertwined, and strange rock formations abruptly start and end. Sunshine and water are plentiful, giving rise to a vibrant ecology and rich topsoil, which nourishes the local tea trees, giving the Wuyi Mountain tea an enticing aroma. Tea master Chi (池老師)said that the acidic Wuyi Mountain Tea tenderizes the meat, enhancing the aroma. We have also tried Wuyi Mountain tea with other Chinese and Japanese dishes, such as Beijing roast duck and Matsusaka pork. In both cases, the pairing really brings out the taste. 每當有特別值得慶祝的事兒,全家就很自然想去吃一頓上等的牛排,香港好的牛排屋和燒肉店我們幾乎嘗遍了。 後來漸漸覺得外頭的牛排屋,也不見得比家中自己煎的好吃。我們一般選油花充足的澳洲和牛,或是美國沙朗,煎至四,五分熟,只簡單加些許鹽花和黑胡椒,再放在鐵盤上靜置15分鐘收緊肉汁。出色的紅肉,牛排或羊肉,如果配上武夷山的茶,如大紅袍,肉質更加鮮嫩美味。 我們曾去福建武夷山玩,海拔雖不高,是一片低山丘陵,但其中奇峰,瀑布,岩壁,洞穴連綿不斷,山水交織,奇岩佇立,自然生態豐富,可能因爲這樣,武夷山的山巖和土壤飽含各種礦物質,滋養了當地的茶樹,讓產出的武夷山茶香氣迷人,池老師 說武夷山土壤中的草酸性,更進一步軟化了牛肉,羊肉吃起來更美味。 我們試過武夷山的茶配上中國名菜,北京烤鴨,或是松板豬肉,都很好吃。
- A feast in my hometown - The Combination of Mountain and Sea 故鄉的饗宴 -《山與海的結合》
We come from Taiwan Province, our hometown is a beautiful island, and our love for fresh seafood is part of our culture. No matter whether in Yilan, Tainan, or Penghu, whenever there is an opportunity, we will order a large table of all kinds of seafood, most of which are simply steamed or boiled, and our meals are often silent, with everyone fully concentrating on enjoying the seafood dinner. These meals are rare in big cities, even if there is one, it is often too expensive. Dishes from rural areas are more down to earth, so it's best to pair them with Taiwan's high-mountain tea. If the shop owner allows us, we ask them to brew a pot of Lishan Cuifeng tea. Lishan is already a mountain that is rich in peaches, apples, and pears, so Lishan tea has a special floral and fruity aroma. Additionally, due to its high altitude (about 2000 meters), the natural ecology is rich and lively, shrouded in clouds and mist, with a large temperature difference between day and night. The delicious seafood and cold fragrant tea are a perfect combination of mountains and seas, an unparalleled experience from our hometown. 我們來自台灣,故鄉是一個美麗島嶼,對新鮮海產的熱愛已經刻在我們的基因譜上,不論在宜蘭,台南或澎湖,只要有機會,我們會叫上一大桌各式各樣的海產,大多簡單清蒸或白灼,彼此很少說話,只是專心愉快的享受美好的海鮮大餐,這在大城市中已經很難得,即使有,也非常昂貴。不能辜負此饗宴。 鄉下地方比較有人情味,此時最好配上台灣的高山茶,如果店家允許,我們要求他們讓我們泡上一壺梨山翠峰茶,梨山本就是盛產桃子,蘋果和梨子的高山,梨山茶因此有著特殊的花果香,又因為海拔高(約2000 公尺),自然生態豐富活潑,雲霧繚繞,晝夜溫差大,茶韻豐厚。美味海鮮與高冷清香的茶,是「山與海的完美結合」,這是來自故鄉令人眷戀,無與倫比的美妙滋味。
- Mother Earth 慈悲的觀音
In recent years, exquisite vegetarian food has become more and more popular. We had an amazing vegetarian meal at a restaurant in Wufeng, Taichung. The simple menu is above. At that time, we asked the owner (an overseas Chinese couple from Myanmar) to make a special meal for us. They served a pot of Tieguanyin, flavored salads (burdock shreds, snow lotus bean cake, lettuce, and cashew golden pine rolls), steamed pot stews, lily snow lotus, and ginkgo cups as well as Kung Pao king mushrooms. I always liked rich salads, which awaken the taste buds with the aroma of fresh vegetables and fruits. We pair our salads with a good cup of Tie Guan Yin, which is a medium-roasted, fermented tea, that creates a fruity aroma and caramel flavor. 地球暖化,許多不知名的病毒入侵,大家都開始重視地球生態保護,嘗試素食,甚至間歇性斷食,幾乎是我們這一代的飲食新趨勢。 近年來,精緻的蔬食越來越受到歡迎,我們在台中霧峰的廚研所吃的令人驚艷的美好素齋,菜單在這兒,那時我們請店家(緬甸華僑夫婦)特別為我們泡上一壺鐵觀音。 平日我們也喜歡豐富的沙拉,讓蔬菜和水果的香氣喚醒味覺,蔬果原始的甜味讓我們感到無比感恩,感謝造物者的慈悲準備一切,這時配上一杯好的鐵觀音,她是中烘培,中發酵的茶,讓成熟的果香和炭火帶出的焦糖味道,配上豐富美好的素齋,甘甜餘韻不斷。 風味沙拉(牛蒡絲、雪蓮豆糕、生菜腰果金鬆捲),汽鍋燉品,百合雪蓮銀杏盅,宮保杏菇蓮等。
- Love from my Sis 貝果 + 伯爵茶
I was facing the 7 subjects of the IGCSE exams and my sister just returned to Hong Kong from school in the United States due to Covid. She would prepare a special breakfast for me, which is a nutritious and delicious turkey avocado and egg bagel, paired with fragrant Earl Gray tea. 我 IGCSE 七科大考的日子,姊姊 Jodie 因為 Covid 19 剛好從美國學校回來香港,清晨她會為我特別準備早餐, 是一個營養美味的火雞肉 +酪梨 + 煎蛋貝果,配上香氣四溢的伯爵茶,幸福感滿分,讓我充滿能量去面對大考。