Raclette 超狂起司馬鈴薯 + 台灣凍頂烏龍
When my friends and I visited London, we visited the Borough Market to experience the authentic street food - Racelete. This is a dish...
Raclette 超狂起司馬鈴薯 + 台灣凍頂烏龍
Steak with Wuyi Mountain Tea 牛排+武夷茶
Summer Soba + Qimen Black Tea. 夏日蕎麥 + 祁門紅茶
Craving for Italy 義大利麵食
LongJiing “mingqian”tea 秀麗的西湖姑娘 - 杭州龍井 『明前茶』
Sushi and Dayuling 高山茶 山與海之戀
Story about Tea Pairing by Teen(緣起)
The Wild Curry 咖喱的神秘力