22 items found for ""
- Taiwanese Burrito + JinXuan Tea 團圓喜樂的潤餅趴 + 金萱茶
Grandma Lin is an elder who watched me grow up. During my childhood, I studied traditional Chinese at a local school on Fuzhou Street in Taipei every summer. Grandma Lin's home is a short walk away and she would announce that she was going to hold a "Wrapped Buffet" event from time to time. The seemingly simple and simple pastries had to be prepared with meticulous care. What's even more exciting is that the Run-bing Party will involve all the grandparents, uncles, aunts, and children coming together. We will take turns serving pancakes, eating, and chatting and it is always an exciting event. We use two layers of thin pancakes, first with peanut powder as the base, and then mix in our favorite ingredients: snow beans, squid, sausages, shredded eggs, dried beans, shredded meat, cabbage, carrots, emperor beans, and more. We use some coriander or celery to enhance the flavor and finally wrap it all up. I usually eat upwards of three large rolls. There are so many interesting and delicious ingredients from all over the world, and those who are full will go to the side to drink a cup of fragrant Jinxuan tea. The name "Jinxuan" is popular among tea varieties in Taiwan. It is said that it was named after the grandmother "Jinxuan" of a tea expert called Mr. Wu Zhenduo. Its flavor is refreshing and sweet, like green tea, with a unique milky aroma. Originally planted in mid to low latitudes, it was later transplanted to high mountains, and the taste of the tea transformed into bursts of floral and fruity flavors. Depending on the planting location and fermentation time, it falls somewhere between the categories of black tea and green tea and it is often used to make bubble tea. 林奶奶是看著我出生,長大的長輩,從小我每個暑假都在台北福州街的國語日報學繁體中文,林奶奶的家就在附近。最喜歡的就是她宣布要舉辦『大團圓潤餅趴』的時刻,看似簡單樸素的潤餅,準備的細工可要忙上一整天,誰能拒絕這麼豐盛美妙的食材呢?更令人期待的是,舉辦潤餅趴表示爺爺奶奶,叔叔阿姨和小朋友們都會特別聚集而來,我們會輪流上桌包餅,天南地北地吃和聊,會十分歡樂。 我們用兩層的薄皮,先以花生粉打底,然後設法將最喜歡的食材:雪豆,烏魚子,香腸,蛋絲,豆乾,肉絲,高麗菜,紅蘿蔔,皇帝豆…..我們以『不弄破為原則』最後用一些香菜或芹菜提味,最後全部包裹進去。我常常要吃上3大捲。 這麼多有趣,美味來自四面八方的食材,吃飽的人就到旁邊去喝一杯香氣濃厚的金萱茶,讓幸福,暖暖的幸福滋味一直迴盪。 在台灣茶樹品種中『金萱』這個名字特別美麗好聽,據說是一位製茶專家吳振鐸先生配種成功後,以其祖母『金萱』來命名的。 她的風味清爽甘甜,像是綠茶,但又具備獨特的牛奶香氣, 她本來被栽種在中低緯度,後被移植到中高山地,茶的滋味轉換為陣陣花果香。根據栽種地點和發酵時間不同, 她介於紅茶與綠茶之間,滋味令人感到幸福和溫暖,很多時候被拿來做珍珠奶茶。
- Sweet dessert moments 甜蜜西點與紅茶
There are some quality Lapsang Souchong black teas in our house. It's our family’s favorite when paired with desserts during weekend afternoon tea. This black tea smells of a unique mountain forest and pine-cone-like aroma. It is mellow and long-lasting after entering the mouth and we paired it with a variety of Western cakes, home-baked soufflés, or simple chocolate. It doesn't have the blandness of ordinary black tea at all, even after the third or fourth brew. It also goes well with Chinese moon cakes, sun cakes, and mung bean cakes. One time we ordered Margherita pizza, and the black tea made the cheese taste smoother and richer. I believe black tea compliments starch nicely. 家中有收藏一些正山小種紅茶,是週末下午茶時拿來搭配甜品時的最愛,據說這紅茶來自武夷山系,聞起來有獨特的山林及松果香味,配上各式西點蛋糕,自家烤的 soufflés ,或是簡單巧克力,完全沒有一般紅茶的些許乾澀感,入口後滋味柔順,香氣醇厚而持久,即使我大多是喝第三或第四泡後。還是很好喝。 配上中式月餅,太陽餅,綠豆椪也是很搭。有一回我們點了瑪格麗特披薩(Margherita pizza),這紅茶讓起司的滋味更加濃郁和立體。這紅茶可能和我一樣,喜歡和澱粉廝混。
- Eel rice + green tea (鰻魚飯 + 綠茶)
Japanese green tea Kabayaki eel rice is one of my favorite dishes in the summer. The frozen Kabayaki eel is always available in the freezer at home. All you need to do is reheat it in the oven, add fragrant white rice, and add a few pieces of seaweed and a delicious meal is ready. The taste of grilled eel is already very filling coupled with the sweet and delicious sauce goes especially well with rice. The green tea (sencha) makes me feel as if we are in Japan and the refreshing, slightly bitter taste brings out the flavor of the eel. It leaves one feeling energetic and satisfied, perfect for a pampering meal on weekends and holidays. 週末的鰻魚飯+日本綠茶 蒲燒鰻魚飯是夏日我們很喜歡的一道料理,家中冰箱冷凍庫常備料理好的蒲燒鰻,只要用烤箱加溫回熱,加上香噴噴的白米飯,再加幾片海苔,已經準備好美味一餐。 烤鰻的口味已經很飽滿,香甜可口的醬汁尤其下飯,這時我們喜歡配上日本綠茶(煎茶),感覺像來到日本。煎茶清爽,入口時有些許苦味,之後又回甘,配上濃郁的鰻魚飯,一濃一淡之間,吃起來有一種貴族感,令人感到精神飽滿,心滿意足!適合週六或假日中午拿來做寵愛自己的一餐。
- Iced Tea 炸物 便利店速食 + 便利店冷泡茶
When I am with my classmates, after studying or exercising, we like to enjoy fried snacks. Chinese and Western fried food is always tempting for us, such as salted crispy chicken, fried calamari, fried shrimp cakes, French fries, and spring rolls. My friends often choose to drink Coke or Sprite but I don’t like carbonated drinks, so I just buy frozen oolong cold brew tea at close convenience stores. Burgers and fries are usually paired with cola too, but I would choose Jinxuan Oolong cold-brew tea or cold-brew honey-flavored black tea in convenience stores. They are both richly aromatic and sweet-smelling teas. Even without adding sugar, they will make the steak and various toppings in the burger more interesting and flavorful! 我和同學們一起時,讀書運動完,就是喜歡吃炸物,中西方的炸物對我們都充滿吸引力,鹽酥雞,炸魷魚,炸蝦餅,炸薯條,春捲….我的朋友們總是選擇可樂或雪碧,我不喜歡碳酸飲料,就直接在便利商店買冰凍的烏龍冷泡茶。他們個個肚子被氣體撐得飽飽的,我因此比任何人都更有戰鬥力 漢堡和薯條習慣上也是搭配可樂,因為漢堡中是麵包中的牛排搭配起司,番茄蔬菜等,我會選擇便利店中的金萱烏龍冷萃茶,或是冷泡蜜香紅茶,這些香氣濃郁,聞起來甜絲絲的茶飲,即使不加糖,會讓漢堡裡的肉排和種種配料更加有趣和充滿滋味!
- HK tea restaurant 香港拼搏精神 茶餐廳
The tea restaurants in Hong Kong are always crowded and we often have to sit with strangers. I don't like their environment but there are many delicacies that I like on the menu and everything is cheap and delicious. The first time I went to eat Pig's Nest, curry beef, and barbecue rice, the dishes were practically flying out the waiter's hand as everyone around me was trying to order. After finishing, I always took a few freshly baked "Pineapple Buns" with me, filled with hot and creamy yellow custard. It is my comfort food and it is always satisfying to eat them as I walk home. By the way, be sure to pair it with "Hong Kong-style milk tea" in a tea restaurant. Most milk teas in Hong Kong are made from Ceylon black tea powder and the staff at large stalls or tea restaurants pour boiling water into cotton filter bags filled with tea leaves and shake it to accelerate the filtration of the tea. After soaking the black tea, the filter bags will be dyed a coffee-like colour, and condensed milk or light milk will be added. We see that many customers also like to add many spoons of white sugar. Mom said that the tea restaurant originated from the "tea culture of the working class" in Hong Kong. HK used to be a British colony and saw European and American gentlemen and ladies dressed elegantly, sitting in air-conditioned hotel lobbies, and leisurely drinking afternoon tea while consuming scones or pastries. Under the scorching sun and sweating profusely, the low-level laborers stubbornly developed their own "civilian afternoon tea". A freshly baked butter pineapple bun, paired with fragrant silky milk tea and 3-5 tablespoons of white sugar. They sat on the ground and indulged in a satisfying feast for only HKD 10. After filling up their energy, they continued to work and always believed"tomorrow will be better". The milk tea culture in Hong Kong is very popular, and related professions emerged such as that of a"milk tea taster". A famous tea restaurant dispatched specialists to anonymously taste milk tea from various branches and competitors to determine the level of quality。 My mother said that the milk tea represents the optimism and fighting spirit of the lower-class people in Hong Kong, and has even been promoted as an "intangible cultural heritage". I was born and raised in Hong Kong and I've learned to appreciate their culture of rolling up their sleeves while eating and fighting every day. 香港的茶餐廳時時很擁擠,又常常要和陌生人併桌,我不喜歡它的環境。但菜單上有許多我喜歡的平民美食,應有盡有,便宜美味。 我第一次去看見豬趴堡,咖喱牛,叉燒飯….菜盤在服務生手中甩飛出去,每次又大約能落在點餐顧客的面前,真令我感到驚奇,吃完我總是要帶走幾個剛出爐的『菠蘿包』,裡頭夾著熱軟的黃牛油,香氣四溢,大口咬下,令人滿足,明明已經吃的很飽,我都是在回家途中邊走邊吃。對了,在茶餐廳一定要配上『港式奶茶』。 香港的奶茶大多是用錫蘭紅茶碎末為基底,大牌檔或茶餐廳的伙計將沸水倒入裝有茶葉的棉紗濾袋,上下拉動加速將茶水濾出,紅茶浸泡後,濾袋的顏色會被染成咖啡絲襪般,所以又稱作『絲襪奶茶』,之後加上煉乳或淡奶,我們看到許多顧客喜歡加很多很多匙的白糖,總之完全走『健康的相反路線』。 媽媽說,茶餐廳源自香港的『勞工階級的茶文化』,曾為英國殖民地,看見歐美的紳士淑女穿著優雅,坐在開著冷氣的旅館大廳裏,悠閒地吃著下午茶,一口Scone或西點,一邊喝著貴貴的各式花茶。 烈日當空,揮汗如雨的底層勞工,倔強地發展出屬於他們的『平民下午茶』,一個剛出爐的牛油波蘿包,配上香氣十足的絲滑奶茶,加3-5湯匙的白糖,坐在地上滿足地大快朵頤,只花10元,充飽力氣後繼續開工,如此拼搏,永遠相信『明天會更好』。 香港的奶茶文化十分普及,受到歡迎,後成為專業,甚至出現『奶茶試喝員』的職業。有名的茶餐廳派出專員,四處匿名去試喝各分店和對手的奶茶,確定更勝一籌。 媽媽說,豪邁的奶茶代表著香港底層人民的樂觀和拼搏精神,甚至已經晉升為『非物質的文化遺產』,我在香港出生和成長,一定要了解港式奶茶,記得『挽起袖子,吃飽拼搏』的香港精神!
- Bubble tea Feast from hometown 珍珠奶茶
Taiwanese snacks are more outstanding and tasteful than dishes in Hong Kong such as curry fish eggs, saomai, rice rolls, and even dim sum. Taiwan is the kingdom of tea because of bubble milk tea. I recommend trying "Yangxian, Chun Shuitang" if you are to visitPearl milk bubble tea comes from Taiwan, and most young people’s introduction to Taiwanese tea begins with bubble milk tea. My mother drank bubble tea for the first time at the age of 17 years old, at "Chun Shui Tang" in Yangxian, Taichung, the original store of bubble tea. At that time, McDonald's had only just arrived in Taiwan, and there were very few coffee shops and no Starbucks shop anywhere to be seen. She told me whenever she had something serious to worry about, someone in her family was getting married, before or after going abroad, or even relatives passing away, she would go back to "Chun Shui Tang". , naturally, My sister and I also started drinking bubble tea here very early. My sister's bubble tea was paired with delicious and thick peanut butter spread on the thick toast and warmly baked. As for me, whenever I have the opportunity to buy a big bag of Taiwanese braised meat or salty crispy chicken, I want to drink iced bubble milk tea. After eating and drinking like this, my sister will complain about gaining weight, and I will feel hyperactive and unable to fall asleep which is always a pleasant experience. 我們來自台灣,一個美麗的島嶼。大多數年輕人認識台灣茶,都從珍珠奶茶開始 。我媽媽第一次喝珍奶就在我這個年齡,17歲,在台中陽羨「春水堂」,珍珠奶茶的創始店。 那時台灣麥當勞剛入駐,很少咖啡廳,還沒有Starbucks, 從此每當她有特別的心事,家中有人結婚,出國前後,甚至親人離開,與老朋友相聚,她就會回到「春水堂」,自然,我和姊姊也很早就開始喝這兒的珍珠奶茶。 配珍奶,姊姊喜歡叫上「花生厚土司」,好吃濃密的花生醬塗在厚厚的土司上,烤出來熱騰騰的,配上珍珠奶茶,姐姐心滿意足地吃著。 我呢,每當有機會買上一大包台灣滷味或鹹酥雞時,就會想喝上冰凍的珍珠奶茶,粉圓有嚼勁,還必須加倍。 這樣吃喝完,姊姊會至少重一公斤,而我因為奶茶粉末會感覺心跳加速,甚至影響睡眠。結論是:具罪惡感飲食一定更要要求美味十分,我們都覺得台灣小吃比香港咖喱魚蛋,燒賣或腸粉,日本的鯛魚燒或各類餅,甚至世界各國的點心更加出色,多采多姿。 你因為「珍珠奶茶」而認識台灣是茶葉的王國嗎?那也很好! 建議你喝「陽羨,春水堂」的!
- My sweet home (desserts moment with black tea) 甜點配紅茶
Our home oven is used very frequently. When the bananas at home become overripe and mushy, I add walnuts to bake a delicious banana cake. My sister makes granola oatmeal snack which is healthy for breakfast or as a light snack. Some other desserts we make on occasion are a creamy chocolate mousse after dinner and the bread pudding I baked for the whole family on Christmas. These homemade desserts create many sweet memories for the family. On weekends, we like to brew a pot of Taiwanese Sun Moon Lake, Alishan black tea, or Earl Gray tea with its delightful bergamot aroma. We also use mint tea to relieve sweetness and enjoy desserts as a family with various scented black teas. 我們家的烤箱使用率很高,家中的香蕉熟透了,沒人願意吃,加上核桃,烤上一個美味的香蕉蛋糕。 姊姊做的Granola 燕麥穀片,當早餐或點心都健康,晚餐後的巧克力慕斯….還有,聖誕節我為全家人烤的麵包布丁,這些自家甜品帶給全家人許多甜蜜時光。 週末時,我們喜歡泡上一壺台灣日月潭或阿里山紅茶,或是具有佛手柑香氣的伯爵茶,甚至是解膩的薄荷茶,一家人吃著甜品,配著各種紅茶為基底的花茶,享受他們交織出來的快樂豐富滋味,一家人聊天,和樂融融。
- Chinese New Year + Tea Champagne 紅紅火火中國年 + 桂花烏龍氣泡茶
Lunar New Year is the most important festival for people of Chinese ethnicity. Children who have grown up and left their homes will take their children back to their hometown to spend the New Year with their parents. I am 17 years old and have flown to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to spend the holidays with my grandparents almost every year. The New Year's Eve dinner is usually overflowing with excitement, and every dish has a homophones association with words that augur prosperity or wealth. For example, the Chinese word for fish sounds like plenty, and the word for chicken sounds like good luck. In addition, many dishes are reddish to symbolize good fortune, such as braised beef with tendon, mullet roe, braised pork with prune leaves, soy-sauce-marinated eggs, and pig feet. Grandparents always remember what their children and grandchildren like to eat, so they want to pamper those that they may only see once or twice a year. There are easily more than 10 courses on the dining table. Red wine is usually served at the reunion dinner but because adults need to drive home after dinner and children can't consume alcohol, we make our own tea champagne, using strong osmanthus oolong tea mixed with chilled Perrier. It looks very cheerful (just like champagne) and tastes refreshing, very suitable for all kinds of eat-till-you-drop festive dishes. Younger children will usually drink sweet Luoshen-scented tea. The caffeine in the tea champagne can be quite high. Fortunately, there are a lot of activities after dinner, such as fireworks in my grandparents' yard and receiving red packets of money to symbolize good fortune in the coming year. 農曆新年是中國人最重視的節日,離鄉背井的孩子們會帶著孫兒回故鄉陪老人家過年,我今年17歲,幾乎每一年都特別飛去吉隆坡陪爺爺奶奶過節。 年夜飯照例非常豐盛,每道菜都有其諧音或寓意。 年年有餘(魚),白切雞(吉), 紅燒牛筋牛肉,烏魚子,梅干扣肉,滷豬腳滷蛋,許多紅燒/紅色的菜餚表示紅紅火火,來年吉祥。 所有孩子們喜歡吃的老人家一定記得,各式各樣擺整桌12道,團圓飯菜式雜一般配紅酒,也喜氣。但等會兒負責開車的大人不能喝,未成年的孩子們也不行。所以我們嘗試自製茶香檳,找來香氣濃厚的桂花烏龍茶葉,泡得濃濃的,加入冷凍過的Perrier 氣泡水。看起來歡樂,喝起來爽口,剛好適合菜式混合,重口味的各類年夜菜餚。 這茶的咖啡因不低,還好吃飽後是重頭戲,吉隆坡自己院裏仍可以玩鞭炮,放煙火,還有最愛的「派紅包時間」,再小的孩子們喝甜甜的 洛神花茶。
- The Wild Curry 咖喱的神秘力
Sometimes, when life is busy and monotonous, we often feel like experiencing food from other cultures like curry. It's almost supernatural with its enticing and unique aroma and flavor, capturing our sense of taste. Curry can go with all sorts of food: beef, pork, chicken, seafood, and even vegetarian dishes. To complement such wild and diverse flavors, I like to pair curry with Dongding Oolong tea. This tea is from my mother's hometown of Nantou, Taiwan, and it has a very consistent and familiar taste, due to the tea leaf selection, fermentation, and roasting all adhering to a strict and precise process. When overwhelmed with the unencumbered taste of curry, the contrast grounds our taste buds until the rich curry delivers its next punch. The contradictory effect brings out the best in both of them. 當生活忙錄但沈悶的時候,有時就是想吃咖喱,它似乎有一種魔力,透過舌尖的強烈而特殊的香氣和味道,帶走我們的味蕾,進入『超現實』,紅,黃,綠咖喱各有特色。Curry可以和各種食材搭配,牛豬雞肉,海鮮,甚至素菜。 這樣狂野的味道,我們喜歡搭配凍頂烏龍茶來喝。 凍頂烏龍是來自我老家:南投的茶,它很穩重,葉型,烘培,發酵,都是中規中矩的『好學生』,它將狂野的Curry看似矛盾,但每一次喝它,它將人類的味蕾帶回現實,然後,再衝一波,相得益彰。
- Dim Sun Time , 港式飲茶
Growing up in Hong Kong, having Hong Kong-style Dim Sum on weekends is a joyful time for the whole family. We'd eat dishes such as shaomai, shrimp dumplings, fried white radish cake, all kinds of rice vermicelli, and clay pot rice. As soon as we sat down, the restaurant first asked us what kind of tea we wanted to drink, from options such as chrysanthemum Pu'er tea, Tie Guan Yin (鐵觀音), or jasmine tea. If there are grandparents or elders at the table, they often order Pu'er, which can be paired with their appetizers. Especially in addition to Dim sum, We often order more Cantonese-style barbecue like honey sauce barbecue pork(叉燒), roast pork (燒肉), and rose-fried-chicken. The mellow, unique aroma of Pu'er tea makes the meat more delicious, and the thick tea juice helps with digestion. My mother thinks that the variety of Chinese food is too complicated. If there are only four people at our meal, we will order Tie (鐵觀音). Its rich and diverse flower fragrance, along with various Dim sum and dishes is always exciting to dine on. My sister and I look forward to the final dessert: Yangzhi (楊枝甘露) which is always refreshing during the summer. 生長在香港,週末要吃港式飲茶,是全家人聯絡感情,開心聊天的快樂時光。燒賣,蝦餃,蘿蔔糕,廣式燒臘, 腸粉,煲仔飯..。一坐下來,餐廳先問我們喝什麼茶,一般是或鐵觀音,或茉莉花茶 … 如果席中有爺爺奶奶或長輩在,他們習慣點普洱,解膩又開胃,尤其點心之外,港式飲茶總少不了再加點蜜汁叉燒,燒肉,玫瑰油雞這類廣式燒臘,這時醇厚,具獨特香氣的普洱茶讓吃肉更添加一股對比交叉的美味,濃厚的茶汁幫助消化。 媽媽覺得中餐的食物種類都太過複雜,如果只有我們一家四口,就點鐵觀音,她豐富多元的花香,伴隨各式點心和菜餚,才『頂得過』,讓人感覺豐盛幸福。我和姐姐大部分專注於美食,拼命吃,還有等待最後的甜品:楊枝甘露,這道甜品,香港做的實在太出色!