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Writer's pictureAdrian

Eel rice + green tea (鰻魚飯 + 綠茶)

Japanese green tea Kabayaki eel rice is one of my favorite dishes in the summer. The frozen Kabayaki eel is always available in the freezer at home. All you need to do is reheat it in the oven, add fragrant white rice, and add a few pieces of seaweed and a delicious meal is ready. The taste of grilled eel is already very filling coupled with the sweet and delicious sauce goes especially well with rice. The green tea (sencha) makes me feel as if we are in Japan and the refreshing, slightly bitter taste brings out the flavor of the eel. It leaves one feeling energetic and satisfied, perfect for a pampering meal on weekends and holidays.


蒲燒鰻魚飯是夏日我們很喜歡的一道料理,家中冰箱冷凍庫常備料理好的蒲燒鰻,只要用烤箱加溫回熱,加上香噴噴的白米飯,再加幾片海苔,已經準備好美味一餐。 烤鰻的口味已經很飽滿,香甜可口的醬汁尤其下飯,這時我們喜歡配上日本綠茶(煎茶),感覺像來到日本。煎茶清爽,入口時有些許苦味,之後又回甘,配上濃郁的鰻魚飯,一濃一淡之間,吃起來有一種貴族感,令人感到精神飽滿,心滿意足!適合週六或假日中午拿來做寵愛自己的一餐。 



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